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宮本 忠夫

Tadao Miyamoto

1928 京都市上京区紫野に生まれる
1950 石川県無形文化財保持者二代松本佐吉氏に師事
1970 小松市平面町に真生窯を開く
1979 第26回日本伝統工芸展初入選
1990 第13回伝統九谷焼工芸展 優秀賞
1991 日本工芸会正会員に認定
   第6回現代作家美術展 委嘱出品 東京美術倶楽部他 ~2000
2001 第1回伝統と創造21世紀展 委嘱出品 東京美術倶楽部他 ~2015
2008 「宮本忠夫・雅夫父子展」 日本橋高島屋
2011 「幻の九谷・宮本忠夫作陶展」 日本橋高島屋
2014 「宮本忠夫・雅夫父子展」 日本橋高島屋
2015 「九谷焼陶芸家・宮本忠夫」映像制作 ㈱毎日映画社
2018 真宗大谷派本光寺(小松市)に九谷色絵須弥山文香炉が収蔵される
2019 「宮本忠夫・雅夫父子展」 日本橋高島屋
2021 「宮本忠夫・雅夫父子展」 日本橋高島屋
2023 「宮本忠夫・雅夫父子展」 日本橋高島屋

小松市立博物館、本光寺(小松市) 他

1928 Born in Murasakino, Kamigyo Ward, Kyoto City
1950 Studied under Sakichi Matsumoto II, an Intangible Cultural Property holder of Ishikawa Prefecture
1970 Established Shinseigama Kiln in Heimen-cho, Komatsu City
1979 First selected for the 26th Japan Traditional Art Crafts Exhibition
1990 Awarded the Excellence Prize at the 13th Kutani Ware Traditional Craft Exhibition
1991 Certified as a Full Member of the Japan Kogei Association
         Commissioned exhibitor at the 6th Contemporary Artists Art Exhibition, Tokyo Art Club and others (until 2000)
2001 Commissioned exhibitor at the 1st Tradition and Creation 21st Century Exhibition, Tokyo Art Club and others (until 2015)
2008 “Tadao and Masao Miyamoto Father-Son Exhibition” at Nihonbashi Takashimaya
2011 “Phantom Kutani: Ceramic Works by Tadao Miyamoto” at Nihonbashi Takashimaya
         The incense burner with a Kutani colored picture of pavilions and landscape was collected by the Komatsu City Museum
2014 “Tadao and Masao Miyamoto Father-Son Exhibition” at Nihonbashi Takashimaya
2015 Documentary video “Kutani Ware Artist Tadao Miyamoto” produced by Mainichi Film Corporation
2018 The incense burner with a Kutani colored picture of Mount Sumeru was collected by Hongkoji Temple (Komatsu City)
2019 “Tadao and Masao Miyamoto Father-Son Exhibition” at Nihonbashi Takashimaya
2021 “Tadao and Masao Miyamoto Father-Son Exhibition” at Nihonbashi Takashimaya
2023 “Tadao and Masao Miyamoto Father-Son Exhibition” at Nihonbashi Takashimaya

Komatsu City Museum, Hongkoji Temple (Komatsu City), and others

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